Frequently Asked Questions

You've Got Questions
We've Got Answers

Why do you do what you do?

The industry has been so good to me that I wanted to develop something to give back to the industry. There is a desperate need in the industry for educated individuals, but the current structure is prohibitively expensive and culinary schools tend to only exist in larger cities. This is our solution to both the financial and geographical barriers facing prospective students.

How do you find your students?

Most of the students come to us through web searches, word of mouth and industry referrals.

Where does the money come from to support the students in the program?

We generate operational costs through our business activities as a social purpose business model. This is done through our catering company, restaurant, meal delivery program, and our line of retail products.

How many students have you graduated in the program?

972 students and counting!

Who can apply to the program?

Anyone interested in the culinary field can apply for the culinary training program. Sponsorship is evaluated o a case by case bases.

How many years do you have in the industry?

As of 2023, Chef Don has been in the culinary industry for 43 years and has operated this social purpose business for 15 years.

Are you a Non Profit organization?

We are not. We are a for-profit business with the main focus of supporting community, social good, and development. We are intent on giving an opportunity to those who could not otherwise afford to attend a culinary training program.

Is this a sponsored program?

As a social purpose business, we have endeavored to make the cost affordable to prospective students looking to advance their careers. Partial sponsorship is assessed on a case by case basis and is not available to all applicants.

What are the admission requirements?

To successfully apply to the program, you must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Hold a valid SIN
  • Age: 17+ (16+ BC only)
  • English language comprehension both oral and written
  • Basic mathematical comprehension is a strong asset

If you have questions relating to the requirements, please email us through the contact form on the contact school page.

How much is tuition?

The total tuition for our program is $1002.40. This is inclusive of all taxes.

With your tuition, you receive an e-textbook code and canvas course access code. You will have access to your e-textbook for life.

Additional program costs will include product used for the practical recipes needed for video submissions. Students are responsible for sourcing product needed for recipes.

How do tuition payments work?

Upon acceptance into our program, we require a payment of $200 within 48 hours. This allows us to set you up with your course and e-textbook codes. You can make your payment directly through the website or by e-transfer. For more details on how to make a payment, please email us. The remaining tuition is due in week 3 of your intake. 

When is the next intake?

The next intake will start on Sept 16th, 2023.

Applications must be submitted by Sept 9th, 2023.

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